Full body massage

Full body massage

During the massage, there is a restructuring of the body.

Tense muscles relax, and areas with low muscular tone are activated.

The connective tissue (fascia) is repositioned after being deformed by poor posture, overexertion, and even emotions such as fear leave their mark on this tissue. Massage of the connective tissue (fascia) releases the armor that we have created for various reasons.

A good massage works on the energetic level. Sometimes the energy we produce can become stagnant or overstimulated. The energetic work consists of balancing it and helping it circulate freely.

With the work on the physical and energetic levels, bodily fulfillment is achieved, facilitating the possibility of emotional and spiritual work.

  • Relieves stress and muscle tension: A full body massage can help reduce tension and stress in all areas of the body, improving overall well-being and quality of life.

  • Improves circulation: Massaging the entire body can improve blood circulation, reducing swelling and promoting healthy skin.

  • Relieves pain: A full body massage can help relieve pain in muscles and joints, improving mobility and flexibility.

  • Improves sleep quality: A relaxing full body massage helps improve sleep quality, leading to a more restorative and rejuvenating sleep experience.

  • Promotes relaxation: A full body massage promotes feelings of calm and relaxation, improving mental well-being and leading to a more positive outlook on life.

  • Mejora la salud en general: Un masaje corporal completo mejora la función del sistema inmunológico y apoyar la salud en general, ya que  estimula el drenaje linfático y promuve la eliminación de toxinas.

In conclusion, a full body massage provides many benefits for physical and mental health, improving overall well-being and quality of life.

Duration: 90 minutes Price: €70.


Where We Are

Laderas de la Ermita, 17 Órgiva
18418  Granada

Email: labendiciondealandalus@gmail.com"
Phone: 665 902 944


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