About me

About me

Intuition and sensitivity are the gifts of a therapist. My commitment is to serve as a loving channel

I am Zaynab Montaño Oliva, born in a village in Sevilla and studied Agricultural Technical Engineering. I held various jobs but none of them fulfilled me, and finally had a personal crisis in 2009. I arrived at the home of a German in the Sierra de Cazorla seeking contact with nature. I needed to ground myself. Amiro Wolfgang Bünemann turned out to be an exceptional masseur who, in addition to studying Swedish Massage, had traveled the world learning body techniques and other therapies. http://Pardal36-es1.webnode.es He taught me for a year. I was lucky to learn from a great masseur. On one occasion, he said to me, "Girl, you have a gift." Since then, I have learned other techniques and from other teachers, such as Reiki, yoga, eutony, meditation, enneagram, anatomy, and most importantly, I have found a spiritual master. I have developed my technique that combines Deep Tissue Massage, Shiatsu, Acupressure, Abyanga, and most importantly, I have gained confidence in my intuition. Intuition and sensitivity are the gifts of the therapist, and my commitment is to serve as a loving channel in the healing of others. http://Pardal36-es1.webnode.es Durante un año él me enseñó. Tuve la suerte de aprender de un gran masajista. En cierta ocasión él me dijo ”niña, tú tienes un don”.  Desde entonces he conocido otras técnicas y otr@s maestr@s. Reiki, yoga, eutonía, meditación, eneagrama, anatomía …..Y sobre todo he encontrado un maestro espiritual. He desarrollado mi técnica que combina Masaje Profundo, siatsu, acupresura, abyanga y sobre todo he ganado confianza en mi intuición. La intuición y la sensibilidad son los dones del terapeuta.

My commitment is to serve as a loving channel in the healing of other people

Explore our therapies


Alivia los dolores de cabeza y las migrañas

Alleviates headaches and migraines.

A healing massage that relieves tension in the head, neck, shoulders, and back can reduce headaches and migraines.

Elimina contracturas,. mejora el flujo energético y la postura.

Eliminates muscle tension, improves energy flow, and posture:

Massages can help alleviate common aches and pains, improve circulation, and reduce stress, which can improve overall health and well-being.

Mejora la flexibilidad y la movilidad

Reduces stress and anxiety

A healing massage can help relieve tension in the muscles and increase flexibility, which can improve mobility and prevent injuries

Reduce el estrés y la ansiedad:

Reduces stress and anxiety

Massages can help reduce stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins and promoting relaxation. This can improve overall emotional and mental well-being.

Mejora la calidad del sueño

Improves sleep quality

A healing massage can help reduce tension and stress, which can improve sleep quality and help people feel rested and renewed.

What do customers say about me?

Maegan Sawyer

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¿ Que dicen los clientes de mi?

Maegan Sawyer


Where We Are

Laderas de la Ermita, 17 Órgiva
18418  Granada

Email: labendiciondealandalus@gmail.com"
Phone: 665 902 944


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